Prior Practice

You may apply for transfer credits towards your Practice degree requirement. Prior Practice is community-based and/or professional experience that you completed prior to your enrollment at the BAC.

What is Eligible Prior Practice Experience?

Any community-based and/or professional experience qualifies, even if it is not design-related. Examples of prior practice experiences may include: working in a professional office, customer service, retail stores, hospitality, or volunteerism.

Required Documentation

If Prior Practice transfer credit is being sought through a combination of multiple professional experiences, a Prior Practice Form will need to be submitted for each separate work setting.


Each Prior Practice Transfer Request Form signer must complete their portion for the next signer to gain access. Each signer will be notified by email when it is their turn to sign. The signing order is:

1. Student 2. Supervisor/Mentor 3. Practice Department

When to Apply

Apply as soon as possible. Reflecting on your prior learning first makes your new learning experiences more meaningful by relating new knowledge gained in Practice to your past failures and successes.

We recommend submitting a Prior Practice Transfer Credit Request during your first semester. Once a completed form is received from an enrolled student and supervisor, allow approximately 30 days for the Practice Department to make a determination regarding a Prior Practice transfer request.

To Start

If you are a current student, enter your BAC email below under “Your Email.” If you are a prospective student, enter the email you used in your initial application to the BAC.

Next, enter the email for your supervisor/mentor under “Supervisor Email.” (This person may be your direct supervisor, mentor, director, manager, or somehow associated with your professional experience. We are looking for someone with direct involvement in your prior practice work by overseeing, collaborating with, or advising you.)

Lastly, to open the form click “Create Prior Practice Form.”

Create new Prior Practice Transfer Request